DH Friday/Saturday got the best of the Welsh weather, turning the campsite into a swamp and giving us all some sketchy conditions on track. Last man on the mountain Chris Hutchens (Edinburgh/Mojo) took first place in pretty much the worst conditions i've EVER seen, with Dirt boyo Ralph Jones (Liverpool) rolling in 2 seconds late. Reigning champ Sue Mahony (Bristol) told gold for the ladies, with Briony Croft (Southampton) rolling down 34 seconds behind. Well done all!

No idea about the XC results sadly... I had a puddle in my car-boot and everything I owned was soaked so retreated back home to a warm bed for Saturday night.

Despite the Psunami-like conditions the event was actually a bloody good laugh as usual. Over 300 riders entered the downhill, everyone was up for a laugh and the whole thing ran smoothly. There was also a nice vibe in the race-village with Mtb-direct, Descent-gear, Extreme events and Mtb-Bitz all on the scene to keep everyone rolling.

Big shout to all the organisers who stayed smiling all weekend and kept things rolling along nicely, especially Extremem Know-How and Paddy from BUSA.
Needless to say we'll have a full repo in the next issue with loads more photos...(when it finallly appeares!)