Team rider Levi Rogers in BS1
Good news - Adi at Twoand8 just launched his all new website for '08.
He's got the new site, new designs and even a new rider... Brizzle local Levi Rogers (amazing).
Cast your mind back to the turn of the century and Twoand8 were the f*ckin coolest team in the MTB game, with Nigel Page and Chico Hooke representin them on the DH and BSX scene.
These days things are solid BMX and still damn cool and still with a top crew of riders, including Wideopen 5 interview victim Colum Walshe. All a cool bunch of guys that are just out to ride kids bikes, have fun and make their scene strong.
These days things are solid BMX and still damn cool and still with a top crew of riders, including Wideopen 5 interview victim Colum Walshe. All a cool bunch of guys that are just out to ride kids bikes, have fun and make their scene strong.

Adi (left) and Colum W - Photo by Kung