Unlike last off season in ridiculously hot tropical Australia, Chris Kovarik and I are spending this off season in the warm sunny desert of Southern California near the Intense factory and some cool riding areas.

Either way, sure beats trying to deal with another snowy Canadian winter.... Had enough of those in my life, I can afford to change it up a bit thanks! No, winter in Whistler is almost as much fun as the summer but I was keen to keep riding my bikes throughout the off season again and this is where we ended up this time. Definately not a white Christmas... but spending it on the beach isn't such a bad thing haha.
Anyways, we found ourselves a cool little pad, got inspired by rare rains, bought some shovels and began digging pretty much right away. It seemed like pumptracks were popping up everywhere and I wanted one! 3 weeks and a sore back later, our master piece is finished! Now we are just waiting for another good hard rain to set it all in.

We plan on making some fun lines and transfers in and around the main track and it's supposed to rain this weekend so we may be able to take advantage of it. So this is how our off season has been so far. Nothing too exciting because pretty much, if we didn't ride bikes, we would be bored out of our minds down here. Seriously, I'd slit my wrists I think.
It seems like there will be a few pro riders in the area this winter though, escaping various shitty winter weather. We've already hung out with Brendan Fairclough and he's meant to come back later in the winter. We had some fun doing timed runs with him at a track in Elsinore. And Riffle lives not too far up the coast, we will have to heckle him soon and do some riding in his neck of the woods, er.., cactus. But tomorrow we are heading to Laguna with some local friends to ride some pretty cool DH tracks that start in the mountains (well, extremely large sand dunes for me) and end up on the beach. So thats it for now really......
Happy New Year to you all.