‘The Wharncliffe Weekender 2008’is set for the the weekend of 12th & 13th July 2008. Entries close on the 5th July so get in quick!
Expect a weekend of bikes, booze and BBQ all hosted by World Cup champ Steve Peat. The whole thing is in aid of the Weston Park Cancer Appeal Fund!
New for '08 is 'Peaty’s Sunday Forest Ride'... where you can sign up for a ride with Farmer Jack, Steve P and friends. You'll get a guided tour of Wharnecliffe and hopefully pick up some tips on the way!
All entry fees and enquires to: The Wharncliffe Weekender, C/O Highfields, Woodhead Road, Wortley, Sheffield, S35 7DS
Email : info@wharncliffeweekender.com
Tel contact 07768 222849
Full info is at: http://www.wharncliffeweekender.com/