Sunday, 11 May 2008

World Cup Rd1: Maribor downhill RESULTS!

You've no doubt heard already but Sam Hill took first place by over 3 seconds... 100% still the man to beat in World Cup downhill.

Second place was a bit more of a suprise with French man Jullien Camellini in second, then Peaty in third.

Sabrina Jonnier took the top spot for the ladies, with Rachel Atherton in second and Emeline Ragot in third. Definitely the 3 riders most people would have put their money on... and more GREAT riding from Rach.

The rest of the results are pretty interesting with some great results and some maybe a bit lower than you'd expect... Scan through 'em

Few highlights from the men:

Fabien Barel - 4th
Greg Minaar - 5th
Gee Atherton - 6th
Kovarik - 7th
Brendog - 9th
Dan Atherton - 11th
Ben Cathro - 17th
Matt Simmonds - 23rd
Gracia - 29th
Ruaridh Cunningham - 33rd
Stanny - 42nd
Sam Dale - 50th
Danny Hart - 62nd
Ben Reid - 66th
Dave Wardell - 68th
Donny - 72nd
Marc Beaumont- 79th

and the ladies:

Fionn Griffiths - 4th
Tracey Moseley - 7th
Mio Suemesa - 8th
Claire Buchar - 11th
Katy Curd - 13th

Head on over to for loads of footage
and to for loads of great coverage