Friday, 22 June 2007

Welsh Downhill Championships

Folks, it may well seem that the DH season is not long started, but time flies and Championships need winning. This weekend (23rd/24th June) sees the Welsh Downhill Championships at Rheola.

See for details. You can even watch a preview of the course which will also be featured for the British Championships (route to be changed a bit though), on the Dragon website, check it out.

Should be a good course and a top weekend of riding, racing and spectating. So if you're too scared, injured, bored or fed up of boring weekends, get yourself along and cheer the racers down that hill. Rheola...where champions are made.

Point to note, direct quote from Dragondownhill, "Midges up at Rheola are quite bad so bring some insect repellant."

So, take a horn to drum up some atmosphere, shout random chants and rub that insect repellant on liberally :D