The nice people at Hotlines have sent in some good looking product for us to test over the next few months. Expect to see a full test in Issue 8 or 9 for all of these - we'll be ragging them over the winter to tell you if they stand up to abuse and if they're up to the hype.
First up, Straitline Lever Blades:-
These are designed to end forearm burn. The less a finger tip curls the less flexor muscles fire up the forearm so we have a fat broad lever blade that actually feels like a human finger.
Put your palm facing up and look down your index finger then look at the blade. Pull the skin tight so you can see the radius of the bone, the lever mimicks it to a T, nature knows best we have been hooking our fingers together since we were babies so when you touch the blade it feels natural.
The finish on these looks impeccable, a really nice well machine piece of kit. They're great to just look at but the real test will be on the bike... check these out in Issue 8.

RRP £49.99
Second we have some products from Nuke Proof...
Nuke Proof Warhead 750 Riser Bars:-
These have been designed to cope with the demands of WC level DH racing. Superwide at 750mm width! I mean wide! Hope your local spot doesn't have any tight spots!
Nuke Proof Warhead Stem:-
Features a cold forged construction for optimum strength and CNC machined to shave off any unnecessary weight without compromise to the structural integrity of the stem.

Bars: RRP £49.99 Stem: RRP £59.99 These should appear in Issue 9.
Nuke Proof Warhead Seat Post:-
A lightweight but very strong seatpost. The one piece shaft and lower clamp assembly are cold forged for optimum strength then CNC machined which results in superior strength and fatigue resistance at this critical high stress area ensuring rider safety and eliminating the chance of component failure. The finish looks really tough, similar to the finish on a Thomson post - we'll see how it holds up over a muddy winter! Expect a report in Issue 9.

RRP £39.99
and last but not least some crazy light magnesium pedals from NC17
NC-17 Mag Pedals:-
Weighing a feathery 386 grams per pair, the pedal’s platform has 18 replaceable pins scattered over its concave profile. These look pretty tasty, well boxed and with spare pins. First impressions are good - my only worry is how well the white paint finish will hold up - first big test this weekend. Write up in Issue 8.

RRP £54.99
All available from your local bike shop - or check out
First up, Straitline Lever Blades:-
These are designed to end forearm burn. The less a finger tip curls the less flexor muscles fire up the forearm so we have a fat broad lever blade that actually feels like a human finger.
Put your palm facing up and look down your index finger then look at the blade. Pull the skin tight so you can see the radius of the bone, the lever mimicks it to a T, nature knows best we have been hooking our fingers together since we were babies so when you touch the blade it feels natural.
The finish on these looks impeccable, a really nice well machine piece of kit. They're great to just look at but the real test will be on the bike... check these out in Issue 8.

RRP £49.99
Second we have some products from Nuke Proof...
Nuke Proof Warhead 750 Riser Bars:-
These have been designed to cope with the demands of WC level DH racing. Superwide at 750mm width! I mean wide! Hope your local spot doesn't have any tight spots!
Nuke Proof Warhead Stem:-
Features a cold forged construction for optimum strength and CNC machined to shave off any unnecessary weight without compromise to the structural integrity of the stem.

Bars: RRP £49.99 Stem: RRP £59.99 These should appear in Issue 9.
Nuke Proof Warhead Seat Post:-
A lightweight but very strong seatpost. The one piece shaft and lower clamp assembly are cold forged for optimum strength then CNC machined which results in superior strength and fatigue resistance at this critical high stress area ensuring rider safety and eliminating the chance of component failure. The finish looks really tough, similar to the finish on a Thomson post - we'll see how it holds up over a muddy winter! Expect a report in Issue 9.

RRP £39.99
and last but not least some crazy light magnesium pedals from NC17
NC-17 Mag Pedals:-
Weighing a feathery 386 grams per pair, the pedal’s platform has 18 replaceable pins scattered over its concave profile. These look pretty tasty, well boxed and with spare pins. First impressions are good - my only worry is how well the white paint finish will hold up - first big test this weekend. Write up in Issue 8.

RRP £54.99
All available from your local bike shop - or check out