2Stage bikes are taking over the Fenwicks DH team. 4 of the team's riders are now rocking Elite 9's and absolutely love 'em.
Andy, Tom, Will and even old man Jon Smith himself have all been for a test ride and decided to dump their existing bikes for a 2Stage. They'll be riding them all winter and racing them next year in the Pearce and NPSDH series. Track 'em down at the races and I'm sure they'll give you a spin on the bikes in return for a couple of beer tokens.

In between buffing caravans Jon said "I was blown away by the plushness of this bike…it sprinted & jumped more like a hardtail than a 9inch travel bike. I have never experienced both the buttery smooth suspension travel and sprinting power in one bike before. Both have been done before but never in one bike!". Rumour has it he liked it SO much he's decided to come out of retirement and back onto the race track!
If you've met the guys you'll know that they're all damn good riders and know a thing or two about bikes. A pretty decent testament to the bikes if you ask me.... I'm waiting on the Wideopen test bike to turn up so I can decide for myself. Stay tuned to issue 8 for that one.
Check out 2Stage in Wideopen here