A day of Bike Trail Maintenance, Trail Building, Food and Social Shenannigans.
Food, shelter and tools will all be provided, you just need to turn up with some decent footwear, appropriate clothing that you don't mind getting dirty, waterproofs in case of the inevitable and a good sprinkling of enthusiasm.
You must register for the day, as we need to get an an idea of how many people are going to turn up. Numbers are limited to 50, as this is all we have resources for at this time.
To register send an email to info AT haldonfreeride DOT org with the subject 'Haldon Aid' including your Name, age, and time of arrival (9.30am or 1pm). For further information contact a ranger on: 01392 834251. MEETING 9.30am HALDON HUB CAR PARK. BRIEFING 10am. LATE STARTERS MEET 1pm. BRIEFING 1.30pm. Finishing at 4pm, unless you're really keen...For more information visit http://www.haldonfreeride.org/