Well they've announced a winner - check out their site here to see if it was you...
More good news, there should be another comp running alongside the launch of their new site. Safe!
Xuberance Weekend
Also...Some disapointing news...The Xuberance weekend festival has been cancelled.
It was due for 9th/10th June in Llangollen, North Wales with Reel Big Fish, Pendulum, GLC and loads of bikes and boards going down all weekend.... sadly, it's no more.
The press release says:
"We are really sorry to announce the cancellation of Xuberance Weekend.
Due to unforeseen circumstances I am left with no option but to cancel the event in its entirety.
I offer my sincerest apologies for the short notice of this announcement and any inconvenience caused but please understand that this has been the hardest decision of my life and one I really didn’t want to have to make.
However the circumstances here are beyond my control, and have left me with no alternative but to cancel the event.
I have invested a vast amount of my time and money into this event over the last 14 months, but unfortunately I have been dealt a last-minute blow.
I fully intend to put on the event in the coming years and with this in mind I hope that you understand and consider supporting future events.
Thanks to everyone who has been involved & worked so hard providing time and expertise and also to those who have supported this event.
Anyone who has purchased a ticket will be contacted individually on Monday morning and will receive a full refund including all booking fees.
Please email any comments you may have to info@xuberanceweekend.co.uk
Kind regards
David Green
Event Director
Xuberance Weekend"